海龟保育之旅 - Day 1 (18.04.2009)




创办人 :陈博士 (Prof. Chan)
RA : Pelf
Staff : 阿迪 (Adi), 莫哈默.哈飞飞 (Fifi),Mann
主角 :海龟,小海龟,海龟蛋
路人 :我 (Panjang),宇翔 (变态佬),Vincent (老油条), Aivene (神婆),苏茵 (牙医),瑞媚 (Dr.J),Alagesh,Evinn,佩珊,Sunny,Kelvin,Francis (Prof. Lim)

很幸运的赶到了昨天晚上去 KT 的巴士。在巴士站终于见到 Vincent 和另一个旅伴, Aivene,自我介绍和寒暄一番后,就上巴士了。在巴士上懵懵懂懂的坐了将近七个小时,抵达 KT 的时候才五点半,宇翔 sms 我要我们等他,然后一起去码头。大概六点左右,他到了,在附近的 McD 集合,每个人自我介绍后,就在那发了近两个小时的呆。(其间我在那随便拍照,苏茵说他的巴士经过的时候他看到我。)

八点左右,我们一行人就到码头(集合点)附近逛逛(除了 Aivene 在码头等),在巴刹里边吃到了当地的 nasi dagang (其实我并不知道那是当地著名的食物)。之后我们就在集合点发呆过时间。

9.30 - collect volunteer cloth and briefing given by Prof Chan till 10.30
10.30 - going to jetty, prepare ourself for the 1 week journey.
11.00 - boat depart from KT, it takes about 1 hr 45 mins to reach redang island.
12.45 - meet Adi and Fifi at redang's jetty. transfer our luggage on the boat then start our route to CH~~
1.30 - arrive CH, Adi cooked mee goreng and we have our first meal @ CH
2 - Pelf give briefing to all of us.
3 - 5.30 - settle down and doing nothing over there.
5.30 - our first nest check.. we measure do record for the new nestings.
7 till nite - have our dinner and doing our first group patrol to check whether is there any turtle landing. There were 3 turtles landing for our first nite. We are lucky enough to experience turtle egg relocation, little turtle hatchling, and turtle nesting at the first night. It's quite rare to relocate the turtle egg unless the nesting is beyond the turtle nesting section. A meaningful nite.

p/s: 这是之前写好的,本想要将之转成华文,但还是那么懒,所以没有换到,英文 grammar 错很多的话,别见怪哦,哈哈~

Nest check 的时候发现小海龟~!!





天未亮就到了 KT 车站,在 McD 发呆

随拍 / KT 市集


Nasi Dagang / 集合的凉亭 / Prof. Chan briefing session / 一个星期的食物

小蜜蜂,嗡嗡翁~ <特写>

向 Redang 出发咯~

抵达 Redang,乘坐小船往 CH 前进 / 想象一下船的摇摆度 / CH 的沙滩 / 登陆

7 评论:

Feeling 说...

KT市集去过一次,那时候好像是要去Redang的时候嘻嘻~ 做么他们叫你Panjang? 你那里Panjang?

Author 说...

my height... lol..

Feeling 说...

有几panjang oh...

Author 说...

178 +/- nia la.. but tallest among all the ppl at CH ady.. lol..

Feeling 说...

really panjang...

me 150 jah...yam gong..

Author 说...

dun blame.. ahah.. be proud of who you are how u look, then life will be great.. hehe~

Feeling 说...

nvr blame ler..im still feeling proud that i go traveling in msia and can get student price entrance lor haha..

im only me when i with anyone..haha!